Thursday, January 13, 2011

Potholders I made for Potholder Pass 2

Here are the potholders I made for Potholder Pass 1

Welcome the new year!!

I haven't blogged for a really long time due to going back to work and connection issues and just life rushing by. I have just signed up for a fabric I-spy swap that is based on picking one color category and cutting 200 4 inch squares to swap with a group of people. I picked brown for something different since no one picked that particular color. Almost went with Gray but I decided Brown was different.

I missed the sign-up for the newest Potholder Pass by one day. Connection issues prevented me from signing up earlier. I knew I was flying home on Friday which was the last day of the sign-up and, of course, I forgot to do it until Saturday morning. I hopefully have someone else that missed the deadline and we will swap together. This should be fun as it is Monotone this time. I am going to give my swapper a choice between Red and Black. I will add pictures once I find out her color and make the potholders. Should be lots of fun.

I will be posting all the pictures of the last potholders I did for the previous Potholder Passes I participated in.

Bye for now,
Michelle :o)